This is a question we are asked on almost a daily basis. It can be difficult to make a choice when you don’t have all the facts, so we thought we’d put together this guide to help make your decision an informed one. Firstly, to make things more complicated, there aren’t just two choices, there are three! Each different type of fencing has its own set of benefits.
This type of fencing is very popular in Australia as it creates the illusion that there isn’t a fence at all. An extremely attractive fence, frameless glass creates a sleek and minimal barrier, yet it is also very strong. For example, we use 12mm thick, toughened glass with rounded corners, combined with 2205 Duplex stainless steel spigots that are resilient to pitting, crevice corrosion, tea staining, and stress corrosion. This type of fencing allows you to have a completely unobstructed view into the pool area.
Sometimes called framed glass fencing,this type of fence contains panes of glass that are held in place by vertical, powder coated aluminium posts. There are no horizontals, so it still offers a clean, tasteful appearance to rival the frameless glass option. While you are provided with a good view, some people do find the frames becomes a bit of an obstruction.
Flat top fencing is a more traditional and practical fence that is still seen in hundreds of backyards across Australia. It is a strong and effective fence to keep young children and pets away from the water. Flat top fencing is also extremely versatile and can be installed in all types of pool areas.
So which type of fencing should you choose?
All the fencing we have discussed is both strong and durable, and while each type of fence is priced slightly differently, there isn’t a huge difference between the three. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and what will work best with your home and your lifestyle. If you still aren’t sure which type of fence is best for you, Contact Frameless Glass Pool Fencing and have a chat to us!